Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Obaji Nu-Derm Skin Care System - Week 1

Y’all know that I have a strange addiction... changing my skin care routine. Just two months ago I was beaming and boasting about my new Laura Mercier products. Two months previous to that, it was the Clinique 3 step skin care system that had my heart, and my acne at bay! Well, surprise surprise, I have found a new love. One that comes along with peeling, burning, redness, and after 18 weeks, perfect skin - or so they claim. I’m only on week one, so I’m not sure how it will work for me.

I started the Obaji Nu-Derm line last Tuesday, April 20, 2010. Obaji has tons of different systems that can be customized to your personal skin type. Well, y’all know mine. Oily, red, blotchy, acne prone, and scarred. I went to a dermatologist on Tuesday, not knowing what I was looking for, other than a cure.

Let me recap you really quickly and let you know about my skin. I’ve had acne since I was in 6th grade. My blackheads are untamable, and I have tried anything and everything, including Accutane. If you’ve watched my skin care videos, you know that I was extremely allergic to Accutane, which I tried when I was 14 (beginning my freshman year of high school). I know your skin is supposed to get dry and flaky in the first two months. Well, in the first four days my skin on my entire body was so dry it was cracking. I had slits all down my lips, and 1/2 millimeter cuts on the corners of my mouth, between my upper and lower lips. My lips inflamed to where my bottom lip was down to my chin, and my upper lip was pressing against my nose. We immediately rushed me to the dermatologist, and she told me to stop it for two weeks, then start back up on half the dosage, every other day. I did exactly as she instructed, and I had the same reaction, this time, my eyes also swelled shut.

Now, I am not in any way telling you this to try to scare you! My sister, Elle, went on Accutane 6 years ago and she has the prettiest, porcelain-like skin I’ve ever seen. (Well, if you don’t count Kim Kardashian, sorry sis!) I just had a really awful experience with Accutane. I wanted it to work so badly, I would dream about having skin like Elle’s, and I was furious and upset that Accutane wouldn’t work for me, too.

My skin relaxed after a month of my allergic reaction, and I turned to the Clinique 3 step skin care system to tame my acne. I wanted to get the “acne” version of the system, but ended up with level 3 of the original formula. To my dismay, it worked! Religiously, I used it every morning and night, along with a clinique exfoliator 3 times a week, in the AM. The only time I would skip a day is if I was sick, and couldn’t make it out of bed. I think the consistency of never skipping a morning or eve is what helped my acne, since the system isn’t specifically formulated for that.

I used this routine up until the end of February of 2010. I stopped the clinique simply because I think my skin got immune to it, and to be quite honest, I was kind of tired of it. My skin stopped responding the way it used too, and since I was tired of using the system, I got a little bit lazy, and quit using it every single day and night. Skipping a random morning here, and the occasional night here.

In February, I went to NYC for Fashion Week, and stopped by the Laura Mercier counter in Saks. I picked out a new skin care routine and quickly fell head-over-heels. I went to go get a facial right when I got home from the city, and of course, broke out (I always break out right after facials, since they pull all of the bacteria to the surface). Loving the Laura Mercier products, I blamed the breakout on the facial, but it didn’t go away for a whole month. Still, up until last tuesday, I hadn’t had any luck.

That being said, I still love the Laura Mercier products. If you just had oily skin, but not too much acne, it would do wonders for the texture and look of your skin. Unfortunately, after giving it a two month shot, it didn’t make the cut it for me. Except for the face polish which is the exfoliator! I will never use another one on my face, I’m loving this one way too much!

So on the 20th, I was at the dermatologist, asking for a cure to my acne, blackheads, oiliness, and scars. We had already tried so many failed approaches, that she turned to an extreme. Obaji Nu-Derm Skin Care System. This is a harsh, Retin A, based treatment that is commonly used on older people with lots of scars, wrinkles, discoloration, and sunspots. It can also cure acne, help fade scars, and make the skin quality that of a baby’s bottom.*

Sounds great! Right? Sure, but there’s a downside, a kind of big down side. For the first 6 weeks, your skin is going to be very red and irritated, extremely peel-y, and it burns! Why would anyone put themselves through this? Because the after pictures and testimonials are AMAZING. The reason people don’t hear about it more often? Most of the time, people can’t take the first six weeks, and give up on it. Then leave nasty reviews saying it left their skin blotchy and peeling. Well, DUH! You didn’t give it time to work, dumb-dumb! Oh, and also, it’s an expensive line! Ranging anywhere from $200-$600, depending on how much your doctors office marks the price up, and what products you require.

The first six weeks has such awful side effects because it is pushing all of the “bad” out of your skin, then peels your skin off to reveal a fresh layer of unscarred, smooth, baby butt* skin. Your skin should start looking better after week 4-6, and you will see the full results by week 18. By the way, this seems like an eternity to me...

The point of me sharing this with you? Because every Tuesday, I’m going to update this blog and let you all know what side effects I had that week. So here we go, Week 1.

In the morning I have 5 steps. Cleanse, tone, #4 cream, moisturizer/sunscreen, then eye cream. I also use my Clarisonic facial brush with the cleanse step. Night time is 5-6 steps, depending on the day. I take off my eye makeup with Mac’s Eye Makeup Remover, but that doesn’t really count as a step... First, I Cleanse twice, (once to remove makeup, and the second time to actually cleanse the skin, the second time I use my Clarisonic brush) tone, #3 cream, #5 cream, then eye cream. Every other night, in between the #5 cream and the eye cream, I use this strange, thick, yellow liquid stuff. In two weeks, I’m supposed to move it up to using it every night, for now it’s too harsh.

The first morning, when I started the system, I was so excited! The creams were a little bit thick, so I had to pat them into my skin, instead of rubbing it in, to avoid stretching my skin. I didn’t feel any burning, and I took this as a good sign. That night, I did the night time steps and went to sleep (I did use the yellow liquid this night). I woke up the morning of day two and my nose was SO oily! Like, visibly oily. It was shiny and nasty. I hope this was just the systems way of pushing to oil out. I also noticed my pores were closed and small. SIDE NOTE: When I heat them, like taking a hot shower, they open back up and seem to grow before my eyes! Day two was fine, the oil washed off and my skin looked like it normally did. I didn’t use the yellow liquid this night. Day three, I woke up the same as day two, extreme oiliness, but it rinsed off. This night, I did use the gooey, yellow stuff.

Day four I awoke to look in the mirror and see a RED face starring back at me. Like RED, the exact shade of a cherry. I called my dermatologist and she said this is not only normal, but supposed to happen. It still freaked me out, not only was my skin red, it kind of felt raw, and burned a little bit to put the creams on. That night, my skin was starting to flake, just a little bit here and there, and it burned even more this time around. The next morning was the same as day four’s, minus the calling-my-dermatologist part! That night, it was time to use the evil yellow goo. As I slathered it on my skin got even redder, how this is possible, I don’t know. I wanted to scream it burned so badly. But I got through it. Day six my skin was not only flaking and peeling, I had layers of skin falling off of my face, again the creams burned to high heavens. That night was not very comfortable, either.

The morning of day seven (Today, Tuesday) was the worst of all, so far... Again, red skin, falling off of my face with an awful burning sensation. But this time, when I went to put my makeup on, I couldn’t stand it, I wanted to rip my face off. Running to the kitchen, I was fanning my face, I threw the freezer door open and stood there, with my head submerged into the cool, crisp air. This seemed to help, but it was still too much. I visited my dermatologist today to discuss what to do, and also, that there was no way I was going to prom on May 8th with red skin sliding off my face. She assured me that it would be better by then, and the side effects would be much milder. I told her that I have a really important event to go to on Thursday, the 29th, and she said it was safe for me to just use the cleanser, starting tonight, then use my Laura Mercier face cream and leave it at that. I could resume the Obaji after Thursday, and she said that they first week is the worst. This gave me hope.

Tonight, I did as I was told, just used the cleanser and my own moisturizer. It felt so good! I would quit the Obaji, but the before and after pictures of people who have actually completed the course is just too much for me to pass up. I hope that the first week really is the worst, and that it only goes up from here. Each Tuesday or Wednesday, I am going to update this blog and let you know how the previous week went. Hopefully, this will be the miracle worker I’ve been waiting for!

Let me know how you get your flawless skin in the comments, and I’ll blog to you guys later.

Bbyyyeeee! (insert wave here)


P.S. I wish I would have taken a “before” picture, but I’m not that smart. Also, this is not something I’d recommend buying online... you really need to sit down with an Obaji representative and make sure you get the right system for your skin type.

*I added that little part. Not quoted from the company :)


Diana N said...

Yeah ... It is a long blog post girl =)

Priscilla1234 said...

Love your posts soooo much! Keep blogging:)

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the products work! Prom is a very important event you will not forget. You are only young once.
My skin was filled with acne but i became a independent beauty consultant of MaryKay and I started using their acne treatment gel and it is working great. Little by little my skin is getting clear.
if you are interested visit my website

Revolving Style said...

Wow I'm really excited to hear how this goes for you. Im currently using Retin-a-Micro and some Glycolic Acid face wash. Retin A has helped a TON with scarring.

Unknown said...

You will probably LOVE Obagi. My mom has been using it for about 2 years or so, and yes it does come with peeling. But she is 55 years old and has NO WRINKLES on her face and it doesn't look like there will be some forming anytime soon. good luck blair :)

pesmegaara said...

Why is the font size so small

bintmasrya said...

i know how you feel! i did accutane a couple years ago and it did wonders! of course it took 6 months for it to work and my face was really bad, but it t urned out good. but now i still have a few pimples here and there so i try to change up on products i use. i also still put on my retin A like my dermatologist said. so def. follow what your derm says because they know what theyre doing! good luck!

luvrin said...

I don't think I could put up with that! I really hope it works for you. To get super clear skin I just drink 2-3 litres of water a day. It definately helps!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, that sounds painful! I am sorry you have to go through that. I hope it is worth it in the end! You are beautiful either way :D

polkadotpeony said...

I am so excited to hear updates about this! I too have been struggling with acne for a long time and I would love to see if this works for you. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Mary said...

Good luck finding the solution to your acne! I know how difficult and frustrating it can be. I finally decided to take Accutane, and Im currently halfway done with the treatment. Haven't had a pimple in what seems like forever and Im lovin it :)

Anonymous said...

I've tried something like this before. I don't remember the name but it left my skin really red and blotchy and itchy and peely for about 6 weeks, but then once it all came off, i had great skin! :) STICK WITH IT!! You'll be amazed.

RealityTC said... your vids! Just wanted to pass on what my Dermatologist showed me yesterday... timely aye??? :) new laser called the Isoalaz [dot com] it's in the IPL family of lasers & I guess it has a vacuum action as well as heating and closing pores. Honestly, I have spent thousands on skincare regimens & finally figured out to just bring out the big guns at the dermatologist!!! The treatment is about $800 for 5 monthly sessions. My doc said if insurance doesn't cover it (some will for acne) you can use pretax flex dollars. Thought I would pass this on. ~RealityTC

Anonymous said...

I use the Clinique 3-Step skin care system, actually ;) I'm #2, if you're wondering. It is really fantastic. And every now and then I use Mario Badescu's stuff just to get rid of tiny blemishes. IT WORKS WONDERS <3 So Blair, thanks for introducing these products to me! I'm very happy with it. I used to use Neutrogena's Deep Clean facial cleanser in the morning and night and also Biore's hard day's night moisturizer at night.. It seemed to work for awhile but then i felt like my skin got immune to it, too. So I just used abunch of different stuff and it probably wasn't good for my skin because i changed out my skincare routine so much but now I'm stuck on Clinique until I find something better :) I'm going to try proactiv though because I still have ridiculous blackheads that will not go away :/

Unknown said...

hey blair love your blog posts. I know how you feel about your skin because I have acne problems too. Trying acne product after product hoping it will get rid of the acne. anyways is the thick yellow goo your using a serum (in a small bottle with a pump) that is glycolic, salicylic, retinol ph 2.4 ?

Melissa said...

I have been using the obaji clenziderm system for oily skin and it has reduced my acne. My skin is so smooth now, it's amazing. It comes with a greenish gooey thing like the yellow one you're using but that thing really works. My pores have minimized. The first few weeks my skin was kinda dry and gross with makeup on but now it's great. It's been about a month since i started and i love it. Hope you get your skin to perfection!

Unknown said...

Good luck Blair! After all of your struggles, I hope this system works for you. Also, I am so happy with how well you typed this entry. Usually you don't use capitalization and I think it is so important that when you are representing other companies that you should type as well as you can. I am so proud that you have written this post so well!

Best of wishes,

kristin said...

my favorite face wash was proactive.. i know with all the commertials it seems like something that only works on tv but my aunty and cousin used it way before the commercials started and suggested it to me. I started using it in middle and high school and it worked wonders on my skin. taking away all my acne (which that time was the worst it has ever been) and helped to make my skin look flawless. it does take 2weeks to get there. although i havent used it in a few years, so im gonna try it again this summer.. hopefully it still works on my skin! :)
good luck with yours and cant wait to see how it goes with you.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That sounds horrific! Ack. I have the same exact skin type as you and this is what I do/did. I tried Murad and it fixed my face perfect. It's expensive too, but worth it! The first week your skin will get worse, then more oily and after than it will start to improve. Dr Murad gurantees no more acne. I haven't had any since, just a few red scars. I fixed my acne but not all my redness which is just minimal after I tried Murad.

TIP: to keep an oily face at bay, apply milk of magnesia- the plain kind- after you cleanse your face and rub it in and let it dry. You don't want any white spots when it dries. Just rub them out if there is any. Then apply moisturizer and makeup! It will keep ur skin matte longer!!! Waaaay longer and your makeup won't melt or get oily even if you sweat like crazy!!!!!!! IE: workout!!

Tell me if you try this or anyone else! :)

Unknown said...

why dont you try diane gal?
btw, i love your blogposts and your vids <3
you're amazing =)

meri said...

I can honestly say I do relatively nothing and I've never had acne problems. I don't even take my makeup off most nights :/. I wash my face in the shower every other day with Aveeno Foaming Cleanser and then moisturize afterwards, and every morning and night with Clean and Clear Morning Glow moisturizer.

elle hearts blogs said...

let us know how this new regimen goes, although you should really stick with a skincare routine for a while since constantly changing products might make skin more red/blotchy/sensitive.


PTFT said...

Ohhhh GOoodddneessss...

this system RUINED my skin! My skin was like yours when I started.

Well, quick story: I never had to wear makeup. I went through college never wearing foundation. When I started wearing foundation, it was to make my skin look perfect...I was just starting out so I didn't know that I was supposed to throw away that sponge that came with the powder foundation after using. I used it for a year!!! Of course, I started getting small bumps on my face!
I then started on Obagi Nu-derm. I started breaking out more but I stuck with it. But in then end of it all, all I ended up with are cystic acne that I never had my whole life! Took my skin a year to go back to normal! But it's too late now. I have scars, blotchiness and redness.

But I DO have sensitive skin though. VERY sensitive. almost anything makes my face red, dry and itchy. the system DID do wonders for my older sister's face and she was very acne prone. So I wish you luck! But don't dismiss those warnings from people either (or call them dum-dums)... because I stuck with it and it was the worst thing I ever tried. EVER. Now I can't get back my old skin.

April said...

I am dry but use Retinols (Renova)to anti aging purposes. It took about 4 weeks to not peel, That was at the .025%. I love it and am now jumping up to the .050%. Stick with it and it will get better and your skin will look great. I have so many of my clients (I'm an esthetician) say they QUIT because their skin peeled. Ummm, did their derm not expolain to them that is what is normal? lol. Then I tell them to start it back up . haha. Good luck with the new Obagi. You will love it.

beyoutifulkaye said...

aww it sucks you're experiencing these awful side effects, but i hopefully this works out for you! i understand how straining it is to have acne. my sister suffers from acne and eczema which not only covers more than 60% of her body but it's on her face too and growing up she was so shy and so to herself. i dont think ur like that, from watching your videos, but i do understand how it can put a damper on your everyday life. i hope you stick it you blair!!!

Fashion Chic said...

**Be warned my comment is long and I'm sorry I didn't expect it to be so long!**
I use Proactiv and have done so for the past like 2 or 3 years. One day all of a sudden my face exploded. I had never had any type of skin issue before that so I freaked. I know I totally sound like an infomercial but it worked for me. I am BEYOND fair so 1 red bump makes my entire face look irritated. I'm sure alot of people have this prob but I feel like my skin is totally schizo and can't decide whether its oily or dry. Its oily around the T-zone but then my cheeks and chin get SO dry. My skin has been under control with no breakouts except maybe during finals but they usually go away in a day or 2. I use the wash and the toner but I must say I HATE the lotion. I used it for like a month when I had the major breakouts but after that I stopped because it was so irritating. After the toner I use the La Mer face cream I took it from my mom when I was like 12 and I have never used any other moisturizer EVER. My skin is beyond sensitive & at this point I have realized that expensive doesn't always mean good. For example I am severely allergic to Dior, Lancome, Clinique, Chantecaille and most all MAC face stuff. Surprisingly I can use the Strobe cream in the summer because its light but I never stray from the La Mer cream or the La Mer lotion in the summer because the cream is pretty thick. You don't need alot and my small jar usually lasts me a good 2 months. I swear by this stuff. If I run out of Proactiv and I haven't gotten my re-fills I use Cetaphil but I always have an extra bottle of the toner no matter what. I REALLY recommend you try it don't sign up for the auto deliveries until you see if you like it but you can prob get like a travel pack. They have all types of masks and lotions but I've never tried them and I don't really think you need them. You can get the La Mer cream at Neiman's. If you get one moisturizer in your entire life get La Mer. I've put it on sunburns and I have yet to see any type of scars on my face from burns and the few pimple scars I did get are gone.

Chelsea Fridman said...

Hi Blair!!

I found that combined with a good skincare routine, what also really works for me is that I eat well and on days that I detox and have a lot of salad and fresh fruit juices, my skin glows!! I hope the product you are using will stop bieng so painful and you will get the results you want but eating well can also be a huge contribution and detoxification flushes out all the garbage in my skin without all the dryness and redness of medicine!!

Wishing you beautiful clear skin
Love Chelsea

anu said...

have you tried lush's mask of magnaminty? it does wonders for my pores :)

Kerry. said...

Aww Blair! Well done for being so brave :) I hope it works for you! It sounds horrible though! :( xx

relavent red said...

Heyy Blair,
I've always wanted to comment but never got around to it. Just wanted to say how inspiring you are to me I rekon your soo self motivated & seem to be a hard working business women :P
You really take everything and make the most out of it. I watch ur vids and stay up to date with your blog/twitter! I really enjoy your effort and all... okay gotta stop rambling..
I am actually using Roaccutane it's what they call Accutane in Australia I srsly had the WORST acne I can possibly decribe I was so miserable. Well now I have amazing skin which really sounds soo weird for me to say & I'm soo excited that I'm going to probably be off it this saturday :) I'll have to see what my dermatologist says cnt wait!
I hope your skin care goes well and stick with what works cause I bet you'll be thankful,
Mwahh x

Unknown said...

hey good luck with the treatment i definately wouldnt be able to do that since i have to deal with going to school but i dont have acne or pimples anyway im really lucky in that sense. it just sounds like it peels of your skin layer by layer until its acne free it sounds scary!

Laura said...

Wow! I started using all the product you used in your Laura Mercuir video and I LOVE it!!!! Thank you so much!!!


Anonymous said...

Omg the 1st week is the worst I used that but after the 18 weeks your skin will look amazing but for a while it does hurt btw I had 2 go to public skool with that red face

TheAudir8Fan said...

as always, another great post, i totally enjoy reading your blog. love

Nicole Joy said...

I worked at a spa and we carried Obaji. I used it for acne as well but a different system. Eh, wasnt a fan.

Anonymous said...

Hey blair! I know what your going through, read my post
worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life but now its getting better

Anonymous said...

Hey blair! I know what your going through, read my post
worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life but now its getting better

Zariena said...

I've done retin A things before. They are horrible! And painful!! But they do get results. I went through it for a long time in highschool and college. If you can handle the pain and the peeling and the redness, keep at it. I had to quit and only use spot treatments once in awhile.

Oh! And my dermatologist told me that I needed to get out in the sun more and if I couldn't, he actually told me to go to a tanning bed! I've never heard of a dermatologist tell anyone that! But I have found that my skin is much better when I do get small bits of sun occasionally. I have very oily skin and the sun seems to help dry my skin out just enough.

Good luck!

katarina said...

I hope this works for you and makes your skin flawless :)

I have really bad acne myself. Only, It's worse than yours. (of what I've seen in your latest foundation routine) I've had acne since I was 13, and it's worse than it has ever been, right now. When I wake up, I'm afraid to move my face, because I know it will hurt so much. My friends all have flawless skin (they get one zit sometimes), and I take better care of my skin than they do toghether. So frustrating!
Life is so unfair.

Though, this will not last forever. I will probably get rid of my acne the next couple of years. I'm 17, and I doubt my acne will follow me into my twenties. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Blair, that sounds painful. But, I know how you feel, I also have yet to find something that works for my skin. I have horrific scaring and still get major breakouts. I am currently using prescribed pills nothing too strong, and a daily topical gel. And then I have to use a benzoyl peroxide based cleanser. I've been doing this for a month now and I'm just barely seeing results.
If I only I could afford the Obaji Nu-Derm System.
I hope this all works out for you.

Charlene said...

I'm a Clinique girl, the 3-step really helped transform my skin. I think if you had such great success with Clinique, why not try out their Acne Solutions line? I've heard wonderful things about it! If my skin had not cleared up w/ just the 3-step I was planning to move to the acne line, but I haven't had to do that yet after 3 years of the 3-step. I do still go through breakouts during that "time of the month" and I usually add in some Murad products, they have a great cleanser and spot treatment for acne that work really fast for me. I'm sorry you're going through this, hopefully if you decide to stick with this it will work like you're expecting it to, it would be a shame to go through such torture and still not be happy. Good luck!

Christine said...

this is my skincare clinic in California:
they do long-distance clients, though, so it doesn't matter where you live :)

serenityd4wn said...

seems like a lot to put up with for clear skin. good luck! i'm pretty lazy with my own skin care routine. i just cleanse my face once a day in the shower with my clean and clear deep cleansing wash and haven't had a zit or pimple in months and its shrinked my pores. yeah, pretty low maintince but the best skin i've had in years.

Kit said...

Blair! i watch your videos a lot and i didn't realize it at the time but your prom date jesse goes to my high school!!! i graduated in 08 so i don't really know him that well but it is cool to think about what a small world it is!!! our town is nice and quaint and i think you'll like it a lot. i hope you have fun aquaturf is AMAZING, as that's where my senior prom was too!!! it is a really pretty place and they have these fancy drinks you can get and waiters that dance when they bring the salads out and pictures and a dance floor-it is a lot of fun! i hope you have a great time!!!

Kit said...

oh and i didnt post the town because of privacy reasons for you and jesse :-)

Crystal said...

Wow. I really don't know if I'm gonna be able to take this. 6 weeks, that's a long time. Well, I still hopes that it will go well with you eventually!

Anonymous said...

Hey blair,

You should take a picture every week and post in on this blog, so we can see the changing and difference...or it might just be a bit too dramatic...!!! maybe?!

Megan Allison said...

I have acne prone skin too, although it has never really been that bad. I use proactive to keep those nasty pimples at bay. AND I finally found the secret to soothing my extremely flaky face (exfoliaters were not working on their own.) believe it or not, baby oil. I use it to take my makeup off and just for the heck of it, I decided to put it all over my face. I woke up with baby-butt smooth skin. And I was so excited. Maybe you should try it?


Unknown said...

do you think the pain has something to do with you not sleeping?

spycrush said...

Good luck! If it works for you, maybe I'll try it over the summer.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, sounds like a painful skincare routine, but keep with it and I'm sure you will get amazing results!
Keep blogging to, I love your posts :)
If you get a chance please check out my blog
Helen x

April aka Appleishis said...

I know trying to find a "cure" to acne is so hard. Using a new regimen all the time and you know, the whole searching process. Theres the saying- You gotta kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince.
And its pretty funny cause thats how it is for a lot of girls when it comes to finding their perfect skin care regimen. They go through tons till they find "the one". haha.
Well to be honest, I dont think any of these intense skin care systems are worth it. Your physically in pain for who knows how long, and to me thats not worth our outer beauty. And I know you struggle with acne, and I am a HUGE sufferer from acne as well. HUGE. Ive seen your foundation tutorials and I have a lot more acne then what you have. And I WILL go searching for that perfect regimen- but the last thing I want to do is put myself in intense pain just to perfect my beauty. Beauty is pain but to a certain extent. If its making me uncomfortable most of the day, makes me cranky, im gonna have to be rushing to the freezer often for some relief-- I dont know how intense the pain is for you on this Obaki Nu-Derm skin care system is- but the way you are describing it- it seems pretty intense to me. And yes, who knows! maybe you will end up getting perfect skin with this!
But all Im trying to say is- careful how far you take this. Theres so many more solutions to acne that doesnt require crazy side effects like Obaji has.
If i could give you an example it would be
I cleared up so much on that regimen they provide and thousands of people have cleared up too. Theres lots of before and after pictures for you to see on there.
And guess what! no crazy side effects!
take care and dont let this obaji nu-derm skin care system take you too far. Good luck
- April
(winner of your katharine mcphee contest)

Unknown said...

i go to the dermo to get good skin but i dont have any burning i just take pills morning and night and cleanse with a mild one and use a cream for my acne that my dermo gave me. hahah it has done wonders for me and i hope your skin is better by week 18!

Anonymous said...

love the blog as always but you should try to shorten them a bin (just a bid of advice)

iiiirandom said...

i have the same problem....but honostly i bet mine is way worse....sorry. i cant tell at all. but with me i have scara all ovwr my face! i tried everything and nothing works but dont worry im going to see a dermatologists on friday :)

Anonymous said...

Don't give up Blair. Stay strong think about the end results. I use Cetaphils daily face cleanser, clinique clarifying lotion, and cliniques gel moisturizer (because I have oily skin) every morning and night. Every wednesday I exfoliate with cliniques scrub. Every other night I use clean and clear blackhead eraser scrub on my nose.

Ambrey said...

congrats blair! but honestly i only skimmed a couple paragraphs. this blog is painful to read with the current color combo &font size!

Unknown said...

Hey Blair!
I do a treatment similar to what your doing and I know how bad the burning sensation is! But i found a way that helps: get a blow dryer and put it on the coldest setting, until its blowing cool air and put on the spot that burns. You won't have to run back and forth towards the freezer and it allows you to lay in bed and just be lazy. Hope it works if you try :)

Unknown said...

hey blair! i hope this new system works for you:)
and i was wondering about the prom makeup blogs and if your going to be doing those?

PrincessBlog said...

GOOD LUCK BLAIR! I can't wait to see your amazing baby butt skin! Have a good journey lol.
ALSO: I use erythromicin antibiotic and benzoyl peroxide topical gel from the derm for my ugly acne...and it's GONE now! You have to keep it in the fridge, but it's worth it. It comes with peeling too and for moisturization I use POnd's dry skin cream...amazin'. Cetaphil in the AM and Neutrogena in the PM

LessthanThree said...

Hey I hope it works for u i've never really used anything for acne since I don't really have a reason to but my lil brother is in deep need of a face treatment I mean he's only 13 but I was wondering have u ever tried proactive and if so what r ur taughts or what would u think would be a good product for him. Oo p.s since ur new at the blogging I taught I might tell u of a website it's if u don't all really know it's easier for people too come across your blog and follow and u can follow other blogs too.

<3 Stella

Erin said...

This does not seem worth it to me! I mean, there's always skincare products and makeup to cover up whatever you don't like on your face.

But I hope it goes well for you!

Em said...

I also struggle with acne, I currently take a contraceptive pill for it and that has pretty much worked for most of it. I still get breakouts etc. But I now have prescription only creams, which are supposed to help, but don't really.
But I've found that wearing makeup really clogs up my skin, and my dermatologist also told me that moisturiser clogs up skin too much, I don't know how often you wear makeup but maybe you should cut it down, because anything you put on your skin will clog it up if you think about it. And your skin gets used to not having as much moisturiser.
Good luck!

Jezz said...

Trust me when I say It works. My aunt is an Obaji representative, and she's dealt with every kind of skin type imaginable. She's also dealt with older people.. I've been around her for most of her appointments with people consulting her, and I can honestly say that they come back the happiest. Yes, it's going to look hellish at first, kind of like a zombie (not to scare you, or anything) but it's worth it when you see the "after" you.
You're going to peel, a lot. And don't be scared, cuz that's your old skin falling off. It's true what they say, that your skin is going to feel like a baby's bottom :)

Ps, I hope you get the lip balm & sunscreen they offer. I use it, and it's the best I've ever used.


Anonymous said...

wow that sounds like an intence proces, i was lucky enough to not have acne prone skin. i get a pimple like every three months and i always think its the worst thing in the world because im used to having a clear face, well semi clear i have a skin conditions where i have random bumps all over but theres nothing i can do so i call my skin clear. i think if i really tried i could actually "break out" but my face ruitine is
before i actually do any washing i try to take of as much of my makeup as possible and i dont really wear foundation a lot so this is mainly just eye makeup
1. i wash my face with clinique facial soap
2. i cleans with cliniques rinse off foaming cleanser

good luck with the tourture i'm sure it'll pay off in the end. from now on i'll be happy when i get my pimple...well not happy but thankfull that i dont have to go through your process, that sounded a little mean but i hope you know what i mean

i love what you do(:

Anonymous said...

Um... I used that OBAJI three step acne kit, but i have it for normal skin.It actually has a couple side affects.My face burned for at least a week and a half.It looked like I had a sunburn.I hate that yellow stuff you have to pump out and apply to your face.It didn't burn on my forehead,but it burned like crazy around my nose area.My skins started peeling there.I started using obaji like in December 2009.For me,my face wasn't red for that long.Everybody is different so maybe yours is too.Here is the other side effect that I found out the hard way,I'm a 14 year old girl and I played a lot of sports.When you are using obagi,make sure you use the obagi sunblock or a pretty good sunblock.Last month I was on the track team at my school and my mom was like ok you need to wear sunblock.Well....I didn't listen to her and 4 weeks ago my forehead was extremely dark.It was the darkest part of my face because that was where i mostly applied that yellow weird made my forehead look pretty bad.make sure if you're going outside to wear a good sunblock or your face will be the darkest part of your body.I stopped using obagi because it made my forehead dark like 4 weeks my forehead is back to normal.thank goodness.i mean it acne started to disappear. i have bad acne on my forehead.i just wanted to tell you that so you don't get a darker face than usual.wear sunblock if you go in the sun.

Elizabete said...

Oh,I can relate to that.I bought a sample sized version of the Clinique 3-Step skin care system.Let me tell you,I had high expectations after your rave reviews,but it just messed up my skin so bad.I stopped using it immediately! XO

Katie said...

I hope it works for you! I`m currently on week 6 of retin-a and still not quite clear, the purging was horrid but I`m hoping by week 12 it will have been worth it... xoxo

Niamh said...

hey, i have just finished the accutane course only like 2 weeks ago and my skin is amazing in comparasion to what i was like a few months ago, i became so immune to everything else i had no choice, really hope it work for you, after all the pain your going through it has to work, right?? ha,


Anonymous said...

Hey Blair! I feel your pain I really do. I suffered from bad skin for years and only found results with Roaccutane which I know didn't work for you. Fingers crossed this is worth all your pain!
I found your youtube videos a while ago, suffice it to say my bank balance severely suffered!I even keep my boyfriend updated on what your doing :)
Keep up with the posts!
Love Lx

P.S Blacktrack fluidline is my new best friend :) many thanks

emily said...

Don't give up Blaire! i think you deserve good skin, since you've put up with acne and other stuff for so long. Hang in there!

SeventiesGirl said...

I love reading your blog, Blair. What I like about it is the way you share details, so I don't care how long your posts are. Do upload some photos of your progress. The success of this method is your ability to heal, so keep your diet, exercise and rest optimised throughout the time you're on this regimen. I wish you "baby bottom" clear and soft skin!!!

Laura said...

lol. good idea for a blog blair! i love it! i hope it works out for you.

Joni said...

Stick with it! I know it's hard. I use the regimen (which I love and HIGHLY recommend!) and it comes with its own weeks of burning and peeling. But I've been using it for three years now. :)

Good luck!!

Madison said...

Hey Blair, Could you maybe make the font bigger in your next few posts? Especially if they are long posts =]

And I also Just wanted to say that you make my day! I look forward reading your blog, And watching your videos EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I Love you Blair!


kelseyjanaepreston said...

I hope this works for you! I use clean and clear. I am actually blessed with a pimple every once in a while here and there when i am stress. i use clean and clear everynight and just wash my face at night. that is what i do!

also i wanted to tell you something on here since i bet you will be able to read it this comment before all the other ones you get! have you read the private series yet? they are by kate brian, i just finished reading them and they are really addicting so i didn't know if you have read them yet! also in one of your next blogs can you do the books you like to read? or even tv shows or your favorite movies! that would be cool to watch!

i love reading your blogs!
good luck!


Reyna @reynasblogxo said...

I love your blog! You are one of my role models. It would mean the world if you read my blog? Maybe one little post? (:

Keep up everything!

Emma Victoria said...

we are all cheering for you blair! keep it up, i know you can get through this!! :)

Anonymous said...

Take pictures anyway it's only been a week I'm sure it hasn't been that big of a difference in such a short amount of time

Anonymous said...

hey blair! i love your youtube channel and your blog. you are such a cool person! you actually helped inspired me to start my own blog.

i know your incredibly busy but i would LOVE it if you checked it out :)

Pixie said...

aww blair, i know exactly what its like, i have severe eczema and sub dermatitis and i had swelling, redness, skin peeling off my face for weeks because i had a severe allergic reaction to the treatments i was given. They tried everything, phototherapy which ended up burning my already half skinless face. They gave me protopic which does the same thing as your treatment (burn sting make you want to scratch your face off) and instead of it wearing off in 5 minutes like they said it would, i was sat infront of my freezer crying with my face in the ice box for well over an hour. im 18 and my mum had to come home from work cos i was balling on the phone.

I promise though it does get better!i kept on with protopic and i now have almost flawless skin on my face. Feel better soon blair!

Hannah said...

Hi Blair, I admire your youtube channel and blog so much that I started one of my own. I was hoping if you had the time,since I know your super busy with 2 channels, blog, twitter, glitzy glam and your personal life, that maybe you could check out my blog and give me some feedback. Thank you for your time, Hannah:)

MLE said...

I have oily and acne prone skin too. What helps me to get clearer skin is to use a peel mask once a week.

Billy said...

I really hope the "Obaji Nu-Derm Skin Care System" works Great for You Blair it is time for You to find the Right one for sure.

2girls1laptop said...

check out my friends and I blog ! the link is on our youtube page and we would really appreciate it if you checked it out! we just started and if we have enough viewers we will be making videos and even some amazing giveaways;)

cleotps said...

hey, have you tried tea tree oil? i was skeptical of it at first but went ahead and got a set of cleanser, toner, moisturiser and the treatment oil from "The Body Shop" in Singapore cos I had a coupon. It really really works. (:

Unknown said...

Aw!! Girl I can barely even see that you have acne in your vids. I hope that torture cream works wonders for you though. Have a nice day : )

Anonymous said...

blair, where have you been? i miss your videos and blog

Katie Harris said...

hey its tuesday! Im waiting for the blog post!!! (:

Rachel said...

Thanks so much for this Blair! I as looking into buying that, but I use proactiv, and I don't have acne really just a few problem areas here and there, but it really is amazing and I see results in like 2 days! It's crazy! Oh and in my next blog I'm writing a little thank you for some beauty tips I got from your videos! i love them all!! Check out my new fashion blog!

Anonymous said...

omg i love ur post, i hv similiar problem with u.. im waiting for ur next post.. bout this Obaji :)
hope u ll get flawless skin ! :D

makeuplove15 said...

I've been considering on trying the obagi system as well. i hope it does turn out to be awesome. i don't get zits often but when i do, its like one huge bump! its annoying. so i just want to have that baby smooth skin i've always wanted.

hmmm...if i'd have a genie i'd wish for every girl not to have zits and have the clear, smooth, even skin tone! ^_^


makeuplove 15

Unknown said...

hi blair! how about u try not to use any make up for a whole month and see if you still have acne by then?it could be that the make up you're using is causing you the acne? just a thought..then let us know the result...its just a month of no make sure you can go by it. =)

Unknown said...

HI blaire!!Great to read your blog its very detailed!! by the way if you have any "wierd makeup stories" please come and share them on my blog at

thakns love destinee x

Eun Ji said...

I used Obaji for about 10 months and I was pretty red the whole time that I used it but my acne was a whole lot better.

Recently, I switched to Epionce. I've now used the Epionce Lytic Cleanser, Toner, and Lotion for about a month now and after a couple weeks of breaking out, it's now improving dramatically.

I found that Epionce gets rid of blackheads better than Obaji and it makes my face less shiny.

Emilie said...

Will you be all red for prom on May 8th?! That would be so bad! I really hope this regimen works for you, though. Can't wait for updates!

amysass7 said...

Hey Blair,

Awesome blog - i really thoroughly enjoyed reading it! Definitely keep us updated on your skin journey I'd be fascinated to see how it all works for you.

I can so relate too as I have had acne for over 5 years now and it comes and goes in stages and it's so frustrating I know.

My skin however is a lot better than it used to be due to a total lifestyle overhaul, more specifically a program called the Healthy Skin Diet.

It basically is a 2 months eating plan which has changed my skin so much - I was amazed at how what I put into my body effects my skin.

Anyway I did video vlog's and updates on my youtube channel and I also include before and after pictures if you want to have a look


Keep up the good work :)


Emily said...

OMG you are amazing Blair!! I just wanted to say that because I ahve been hearing a bunch of contraversy about you and Elle. But whatever ignore those haters! We obvoisly LOVE you! Kepp your head high and hang in there girl! I can't wait to see your upcoming videos!!

Michelle said...

Good luck to you! I went on Accutane when I was 16 and it cleared up my face (it took 9 months), but it made everything painfully dry and itchy. Not a fun time in my life. Retin-a has done abslutely nothing for my scars ( I have tiny indented scars which are very hard to treat). I am anxious to see how this works for you -- I am always interested in new skin care!

Unknown said...

OMG my mum is using the same Obagi system! It does look painful... and dry.. and red =)))) i hope it all works out though! goodluck ;)

Une fille Lambda said...

Really hope you will have time to update on this system. I went on Accutane years ago and it does not clear up my skin. Hope this will work for you and I will consider buying it if so!

Felicia said...

i drink plenty of water! at least i try to haha. i don't use like, products from one same brand/range. i use T3 cleanser, nivea toner, garnier moisturizer, st. ives eye gel, blemish night fade cream from the body shop and clean&clear acne gel. LOL. that's about it. good luck with your skin! :)

Jill Oliver-Fox said...

6 years on acutaine? that is nuts. My bro was on tetracycline for 8 years and it killed his liver and made him anti biotic resistant (as well as gave him a massive case of candita), and acutaine is worse. Bad doctors let stuff like that happen.

Linda said...

Blair, your blog is amazing! I luv it. ♥

glossalicious said...

hi blair. i totally love your videos. hows the system going??? is it why thre hasnt been a ideo for a while? oh well, hope it works out well.I cant wait to see the results. HAVE FUN AT PROM!

c.xu said...

My dermatologist has suggested (with force lol) for me to try Accutane but I'm way to chicken to even on a low dosage . I might reconsider, but I'll also ask her about this option.. THANKS! Keep us updated =)

C said...

My mom used obagi before and it worked really well on her old acne scares and wrinkles. So i'm actually thinking to use obagi too, since nothing works on my acne scars :(. Their eye cream is amazing too, works well for older women but I don't know if it's too rich for younger skin. Anyway, hopefully it will work for you too :)

Elizabeth said...

Hey everyone! For great makeup tips subscribe to babysparks8! She is adorable

CaitlinMarie13 said...

I hope this works for you! I had the worst acne for years and finally found that Clenia face wash with Retin A in the night time and Klaron Lotion in the morning work amazingly! That cleared my skin up in a few had the peeling too but mine wasnt too bad.

MarBabey7 said...

Wow! This is a long, but something worth trying even though it is a lot to go through. You have so much patience and dedication to everything in your life though, Blair so I am sure it will work out for you and you can handle it all haha =]
Please check out my page as I am just starting out and get so much inspiration from you!

Dylana Suarez said...

Just came across your blog! It is lovely!

And be sure to visit tomorrow to enter a super cool Kelsi Dagger shoe giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing, I always change my skin routine. Always on search for new wow products. Nice blog and I always check your youtube channels.

Good work!

Sarah said...

I actually do not see why you would need this, such a harsh treatment. Why you, of all people, would do that to your skin. I know about acne. About bad acne. I see your pictures and video's. There's absolutely NOTHING there, but clear, porcelain skin.
Or do you photoshop ALL your video's and pictures? Do you dare to post ONE picture of yourself with ONE obvious pimple? I doubt...

Is this some kind of way to make your story more interesting (perfection can be so boring)?

Anonymous said...

That sounds great if it actually works and you pull through all the weeks! But I know that all the peeling and burning you do to your skin now makes it more sensitive to sun (sun damage) and makes your skin dependent on the products (especially as you age). I don't know if I would make myself go through all that, I'd probably just wait for my hormones to calm down as I get older..

desorden150 said...

I thought you were going to update every week. What happened?? Don't give us false promises :(

Anonymous said...

im a spanish girl and i find u by youtube
i love your page your tips are great
whenever I have time I go there and see your videos =)
thank you very much
im going to follow u ok??

Lauren said...

yikess good luck!!!

lauren x

Unknown said...

i don't really get a lot of acne, just a pimple every once in a while, so all i use is nuetrogena daily face wash and it works for me

givemefashionnow blog said...

I know how you feel! I tried proactiv and all it did was completly dry out my skin and cause more pimples (it was brinking bacteria to the surface like you mentioned)! Anyways check out my new blog i just created last week!

verträumt. said...

so it's a month where your 1 week was. where are the next weeks? im exiting!


Katie said...

I normally have dry / sensitive skin, but I rarely get a break out (except, of course, when I get my period!). Out of nowhere, my skin has been kind of oily! It's very strange for me. I'm 21 and this has never happened before! Still, no break outs, but I'm not liking my quasi-oily skin (especially since all of my skin care products are for dry skin!).

Julie said...

Any news??? I am curious!

Michelle said...

Blair, when are you going to do a outfit of the day? I'm really looking forward to it but if u want u can check out our blog:

Thanks! Love your vids!

Giulia said...

Love your blog, can you help me with mine ??

Love your blog and videos. byebye.

bethanyheartsmakeup said...

Are you going to follow up on this? I have the same acne problems you do and was hoping you'd give me some insight but since it's been over a month...?

hara_3 said...

please visit my blog!
it's about girly things!!<3

Anonymous said...

Hey Blair! I was on Accutane TWICE, once in 11th grade and a second time the summer before I left for college. I've also been fighting acne since 6th grade and I'd had it with all the oral and topical meds out there. Anyway, Accutane didn't work for me (I swear to this day that my derm didn't give me the right doses!) My best took one round of it and her skin is just like Elle's- flawless. Anyway, what I wanted to share with you is that my derm. is Dr. Doris Day in Manhattan and she's one of the most famous derms out there- she's been on countless TV shows (The View, The Early Show, etc...) and has been published in endless magazines. She treats a lot of celebrities and actually just recently debuted one of her newest treatments on the The View (which she offered to do for me at my last facial appt., but for $1,200 a treatment... yeah, let's just say that didn't fly. My parents are putting me through grad. school and paying for a 2nd rhinoplasty in Aug. So needless to say, I stuck with my original plan.) SO, this is what I wanted to share... nothing in the world ever worked for me, but Dr. Day prescribed an antibiotic called Aldactone, which is generally used to treat high blood pressure, but apparently works wonders for your skin since it deals with your hormones, too. I seriously tried EVERYTHING (pills,creams,gels,microdermabrasion,glycolic peels,IPL, the works...), but this has done WONDERS for me. Not one breakout *knock on wood* since Jan. and I decided to supplement this with a biweekly laser treatment called a V-Beam, which targets the redness and helps with scarring. It's been pricy, I'll tell you that- but definitely worth it. I know some people are iffy about medication (I can't wait for the day when I can nix my birth control pill, lol!) but if you ever wanted to suggest it at a derm. appt, it's worth a shot. They start you on a low dosage and then gradually increase. OK, I'm chewing your ear off and you have flawless skin, anyway!!! Love your blog, girl. xo

XxXCaitXxX said...

how's it working for you? you haven't updated in a while...

Unknown said...

I use differen cream and it seems to work well. It is so good and easy because you get to choose what cleanser, toner and moisturizer you use as long as you use the cream every other night to every-night. (also might I add, that this may not be the case for you but when I tried the clarasonic my skin was the worst I have ever seen it so maybe that might be a cause- it is maybe to abrasive but i could be wrong) Keep blogging on this :) xxx

Jenni said...

i could never do that, hope it works for you!


Unknown said...

wow i cant believe i read that whole thing hahaha....your writing style is very intruiging :)

things i do for clean skin:

1. i use my conair facial spa every once in a while. its a steam treatment. it opens up my pores and makes my skin perfectly smooth

2. i also use my evas clear it blemish control as a spot treatment. seriously this stuff is amazing. when i have a big "mountain" on my face is apply about every hour and then sleep with it on. blemishes are gone in the morning!

3. im only 15 but one of my major skin issues is undereye wrinkles. My artistry derma erase is amazing on them!

4. The artistry time defiance toner is amazing! i have NEVER used such a gently face product. it cleans incredibly but feels sooo calming. They have a teen line but i reaaly like this product. i think it would be great on your irritated skin

p.s. i havnt tried this but if ur face hurts super bad i would try the spray neosporin with pain reliever and lightly mist your face. i think it would help, but you should ask your dermatologist if that would conflict with the treatment.

hope this helps! good luck:)

Anonymous said...

ur so awsome blair...hey guys i made a new blog

Caresse Dy said...

Nice blog you have here :) I love ittt :) I do get pimples especially when my period is near but I just let them be and don't touch it. After a few days no more pimples :) I just cleanse, tone and moisturize. I use St. Ive's apricot scrub once a week.

Unknown said...

i'm a huge neutrogena fan :)

i don't have a morning routine, but, every night, i wash my face with neutrogena deep clean invigorating foaming scrub and then finish off with their visibly even foaming cleanser

they both gently exfoliate, and the combination of the two leave me with smooth, soft, even-toned skin. love!

Unknown said...

Hey, just stumbled across your blog. I love it! I'm following you.

Angel x
High Heels & Lipgloss

Hello there! said...

Hey Blair, why aren't you updating???

Jenn said...

oh em gee this post is on my birthday!!

Amelia Claire said...

Hey Blair! As much trouble as Obaji is, stick with it. My mom has used it for years, and my aunt started about a year ago. The results really are amazing and well worth it in the end.

Kelli said...

I love your YouTube videos! They are so helpful. I actually just made a blog myself, and I would really appreciate it if you checked it out. :)

palpites_e_tal said...

Hi Blair,

Love your blog but i have to tell you that is VVVEERRYYYY hard to read! The letters are toooo small and light. I just can't read some of your posts!

Luca Belotti said...

Hey cool blog!
Please visit my blog and leave a comment. I hope you'll be one of my followers!

Bye LB

Sara Luxe said...

wow this for really helpful
please check out my blog with my modelling shoots/ fashion updates & trend reports !

Samantha said...

hey blair! i love all your blogs and videos, keep them up please! and if you have time, please check out my blog

CupCake Girl said...

I hope it works! I just wanted to say that i watch your videos on youtube and i think...... your awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey blair! I love this blog post because it reminds me so much of my skin. I have red, irritated, and peel-y skin..I have tried countless products from neutrogena to olay.. i have began to give up and just accept it. but thanks to you, my hopes are up..(: hopefully i will find something that works for me and is not so expensive ;) I did NOT know you had that type of skin because you can not tell at all from your videos(: keep the good work up.. i have become a juicystar07 fan.. lol

Casey B said...

Check out my blog:

Anonymous said...

love ur posts so much!
please check out my channel on youtubee

Unknown said...

You should try ChiQui Beaute’s facial masks! They have Mud to Go, which contains both the Spa Glacial Mud Purifying Mask (5pcs) and Youth Restore Lightening Mud Mask (5pcs), and Citrus Happy, which is a Hydrating Facial Mask. I used to have really bad cystic acne, but after a friend recommended these products to me a few months ago, my acne has cleared up substantially. The texture of my skin has gone from dry, oily, and scaly to smooth, soft, and dewy looking. The Lightening Mask really helped lighten my old acne scars and dark pigmentation. I use the Hydrating Mask after using the Purifying Mask to help moisturize my skin. Sometimes i’ll just take a small amount of mud mask around my nose to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads. These masks are one of the few products on the market that are natural, paraben free, contain anti-aging elements to fight wrinkles and sagging, and come in individual packets that keeps them fresh. These masks really work…they’re my holy grail of beauty products Their website is My friend gave me this promo code that gives you $10 off any mask, which i’ll gladly share. It’s “J10DOLLAROFF” Hope this helps! p.s. If you ask them for a sample, I believe they will send you one!

Caitlin said...

This sounds really good, can't wait for the results!

megankm0621 said...

What ever happened with this blair? you haven't updated your blog (of course I know your busy) and I don't remember hearing anymore about this on twitter or youtube. haha Im just curious cause we have realllly similar skin.

Elleanor said...

My mom has been using Obaji for a long time and her skin is just PERFECT. I've been having a lot of acne problems and I decided to try this out. I'm on my third week and oh my gosh, when I first started using this I really wanted to stop. Like you said in your post, my skin was red and ugh, I didnt want to deal with it and really wanted to try something else. But seeing my mom with her perfect skin made me keep going. I think I can get through another 3 weeks and the little side effects really arent that bad anymore. Good luck!

Tara said...

Wowww, longest post ever about skincare, LOL. I rarely ever change my skin care routine. I use Aveeno Daily Brightening face scrub. It is amazing, and just like a gentle exfoliator. I also use a moisterizer from Lancome. Pretty simple =]

Unknown said...

AWESOME! I am on week two of my Obagi Nu-derm and my face is on fire!

Kat said...

Cool blog.. Please follow me on xx

Tessa said...

hi! nice blog you got there :)
I'm a follower now:)!

Maybe you can check my blog out as well and become a follower?

mii said...

A great post! ;)

Tessa said...

I tagged you :)

LA' gant said...

I love your blog and youtube channel, you always give the best reviews and tips. xoxo

Shaina said...

I love your posts!! Please put more!!

Kaitlyn McCall Pieri said...

Hi Blair!

I recently found your youtube page! L0VE IT!!! It is so awesome that it has become so popular and is now giving you all of these amazing opportunities!

I work for the Miss USA and Teen USA Pageant Office and L0VE everything fashion and beauty related as well!!!! I'd love if you checked out my fashion blog and spread the word if you like what you see! I truly love meeting people who share the same passions as I do. I am in the process of working on some videos as well but I need to get my editing application up and running! My poor little pink macbook is having some difficulties lolll Anyway, I'll be sure to follow your pages!


AllMyLove- Kaitlyn McCall

Elle :) said...

Hey Blair :) I love Love Love Your Videos and Im ecstatic that you now have a blog! If you ever have time please could you check out my blog? Thank you :)


Unknown said...

Hey Doll!

Eeekk this skin care sounds horrible....I hate the feeling of my skin being raw like that!

I had very bad skin that started in my 20's!! Have you ever had your food allergies tested?? Oh yea, mine was all food related and my regular Dr. could figure it out, I went to a nauturopath dr who totally helped!

Acne is a problem from the inside :)

I changed my diet a lot and Boom! Better skin, but I am still dealing with some scarring....Lemon Juice toner or Apple Cider Vinegar!


natalie@themakeupbag said...

i am about to start the clinique 3 - step skincare routine and i hope it'll work.
love your videos. stick at them ;)

Amanda xoxo said...

I've been through the same deal; not a fun boat as to anybody around our age; but through everything I've narrowed it all down to my clinique 7 day scrub to remove black heads/dead skin; and then over the counter cetaphil for normal to oily skin to cleanse with. Simple but defeats the purpose; however I am indecisive with moisturizers


Hi, i created a new and special blog called Ask The Peacock.
I really like "how-to" articles, but most of them aren't helpful at all.
That's why i created a space for all my personal "How to"-articles. I'll only write really helpful articles!
I want to fill this beautiful blog with all my personal "how to"-tips, which i discovered and which really really helped me through my life so far.
If you need any advice or tip on a special topic, let me know and i'll promise to help you.
Just write me an email ( or write me in the comment section on each post. I'll try to help you by creating my personal "how to"-tips for you!
I'm waiting for your answer!

Moi said...

You should blog more, Blair. I love your posts.

glitter said...

email me please, i love you!!!!

glitter said...

i use to to use obaji, but now i found something better!!!!
Its called Rodan + Fields. Its by the doctors of Proactive.

Come At Me Bro said...

This is great!

Seminocturnal said...

Heyhey! Blair, when will you blog again? Will you let us know how this treatment worked?

Kaitlyn McCall Pieri said...

L0VE your youtube page more though of course!
Hope you're having a blast in NY for fashion week!
I'm soo jealous!
I'll get there one day! :D
I'd L0VE if you checked out my fashion blog!
I'd L0VE you and your sister's input, I love your youtube pages and the tip and stories you tell : )

Hope to hear from you!!!!


Kaitlyn McCall Pieri said...

L0VE your youtube page more though of course!
Hope you're having a blast in NY for fashion week!
I'm soo jealous!
I'll get there one day! :D
I'd L0VE if you checked out my fashion blog!
I'd L0VE you and your sister's input, I love your youtube pages and the tip and stories you tell : )

Hope to hear from you!!!!


Anonymous said...

Omg double h kp! I just found this great new website. I'm soooooœ excited about it. It is called and it has THE BEST makeup pallettes ever! Thought u would want to check it out.

Anonymous said...

hey guyz plz follow my blog @ plz plz plz thanks :D i blog about my life and other random stuff :P

Unknown said...

Ever since you did your Skin care Routine video I have been using Laura Mercier products and they are amazing! before I was using Proactive which just made my acne worse but my Skin has been so Clear with that skin care routine and i absolutley love it! good luck with this new skin care product you are trying hope it works wonders for you!

Hannah said...

Yay my fave bloggers back :) and YAY for clinique 3 step system!! when you stopped using it i was like owww :/ haha <3 x x x

Blushbaby said...

Hi Blair - Just been reading your Obaji article - have you tried the Dermalogica range for your skin? Is used it for acne/oily skin and it was very effective.

roxy said...

I've been wanting to know the result of that system. Did you just quit it?

Anonymous said...

the obagi vitami c serum is amazing!!

janiceplay said...

omg. blair. I love you. this is the EXACTLY what i was looking for!!! I was looking for new skin care products!! and my skin care salon sells Obaji Nu-Derm too!!! I'm using cleanser only for now. Wow!!! what a luck for me!! I can't wait to see ur nxt review! blair, seriously! ur my heroine!

dermatology laser said...

Natural skin care products are not harsh and can be suitable to any skin type. I used olive oil to cleanse my face. Instead of using the various cleansing creams and face washes in the market, which by the way, contain chemicals, I switched to using pure olive oil for face cleaning.

Anonymous said...

please do an update on this.